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I am happy to introduce the recently published “TestComplete Cookbook” and excited because I was one of the technical reviewer of this book.

3585OT_SMALLThis book lists features from TestComplete tool and describes it based on test automation scenarios and common requirements. It has lots of best practices and techniques to learn and will help you to improve your skills on TestComplete. I like the way the author explains to the reader throughout the book in a simple language. After finishing each section, you will better know where and how to apply it in addition to understanding the concepts.

To know more about the book, author or read sample chapters, follow this link


Along with the publisher, we are pleased to announce that we are organizing a giveaway especially for you. All you need to do is just comment below the post and win a free e-book of TestComplete Cookbook’. Two lucky winners stand a chance to win a copy of the book. Keep reading to find out how you can be one of the Lucky One.

How to Enter?

Simply post your expectations from this book in the comments section below. You could be one of the 2 lucky participants to win the copy.


The contest will close on 23rd January, 2014. Winners will be contacted by email, so be sure to use your real email address when you comment!

Believe!!! There are 101 ways to automate…

Thanks and Regards,
Giri Prasad

Comments on: "Introducing “TestComplete Cookbook”" (7)

  1. Sameh Nagi said:

    What I expect is what are the best practices in using TestComplete and what is the latest quality bar for using the tool, and to be familiar with the scripting engine of TestComplete.

  2. I am sure that you are well expect in Testcomplete tool. The book has to impact many people so that inorder to cover atmost all the topics listed with the different chapter one by one from the basic level to the extend, need to contain description of each,features, method, different type of way to identifying the object with example, regular expression etc. Also expecting how different type of scripting, performances testing can able to uses in test complete.

    Parthasarathy K

  3. Sandeep Sethi said:

    Hoping that this book would give practical knowledge not just the theoretical stuff for which smartbear tutorials are good resource.

  4. TestComplete help covers most of the topic however i am expecting the best practies one should use when doing automation

    Some topics like frameworks and their implementation using testcomplete

  5. Congratz for the winner… All the best….

  6. Congrats Sameh Nagi and Amit! You won the free e-book of TestComplete-Cookbook. More details will be mailed to you.

  7. Well done cannot wait to read

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